Dash Multi-Corp Rebranded as Accella Performance Materials™
ST. LOUIS, MO, May 7, 2014 – We are pleased to announce Dash Multi-Corp, Inc. will be rebranded as Accella Performance Materials™ Inc. effective May 7, 2014.
We created Accella Performance Materials™ (“Accella™”) to highlight the enhanced value for our customers by bringing together the best of the combined companies in people, technology and innovation. Accella Performance Materials™ is a group of chemical and material technology companies which include RB Rubber, RB Recycling, Ultimate RB, MarChem polyurethane systems, MarChem specialty plastisols, and ArncoPathway tirefill. The new name better reflects the responsiveness, technical knowledge, innovation and manufacturing strength of the combined businesses.
“We fully expect the Accella™ companies will become well known for standardized excellence in safety, operations, quality, technical support, and service with highly competitive, value-added offerings to meet our customers’ needs,” stated Andy Harris, CEO.
Each company will continue to maintain its strong individual brand name under the Accella™ umbrella. Please visit www.accellacorp.com or any of the specific company websites.
The rebranding will not cause a change to current business operations.
For additional information on the rebranding or any other questions please call:
Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications