Green Home Upgrades That Will
Actually Save You Money
Energy experts call them “low-hanging fruit.” They are energy saving upgrades that offer outstanding ROI. Here’s a by-the-numbers look at some of the best green home improvements that will put money back in your pocket within two years.
Energy saved by switching from incandescent to LED bulbs.

Monthly savings on heating and cooling after adding insulation, such as spray polyurethane foam, to your home.
18-24 Months
Time needed for a programmable thermostat to pay for itself.

Average annual energy savings for air sealing and weatherizing a cold-climate, wood-framed home.
Amount of heating and cooling energy lost due to leaky ducts (Duct sealing is an inexpensive DIY fix.)

1 Year
Payback time for hot water pipe insulation (DIY).
Monthly hot water bill savings from lowering your water heater temperature setting from 140 degrees to 120 degrees F.

4-10 Months
Payback period for adding an insulated water heater blanket to an older water heater.
Lifetime water bill savings from installing a WaterSense-labeled low-flow toilet ($110 per year)

2 Months
Payback period for an automatic rain sensor installed on an irrigation system using 30,000 gallons per month.