Contractor Safety and Product Stewardship

We work in one of the most progressive and technically demanding industries in the marketplace today. As you are aware spray polyurethane foam, particularly the residential and commercial insulation side of our industry, has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years. This demand for product and the accompanying installation services has driven the need for a network of properly trained and professional spray polyurethane foam applicators.

As with any business, especially one as technical as ours, requires a consistent commitment to improving ones knowledge and training on the products and services it offers. A commitment to constant improvement is the only way to insure a profitable, safe and professional operation for today and years to come.

Our Contractor Safety and Product Stewardship Program is dedicated to the promotion of safe and best practices as it relates to the proper handling, personal protection and application of spray polyurethane and associated coatings.

Adherence to this program is a requirement for all our spray foam professionals

We have elected to follow the guidelines as set forth by the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) and the Center for Polyurethanes Industry (CPI). The information contained within these documents should be viewed as minimum standards and not preclude you from seeking further education on the value of safe and professional practices.

Items Required for Program Compliance:
  1. Implement and comply with the: Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) Contractor Safety and Product Stewardship Program
  2. Implement and comply with the: Alliance for the Polyurethane Industry (API) Model Respiratory Program for Compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Respiratory Protection Program Standard 29 C.F.R. § 1910.134
  3. Register for and complete the following online training and certification program: American Chemistry Council Center for Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) Spray Polyurethane Foam Chemical Health and Safety Training 

Additional Resources:

(A) Component - ISO

Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Technical Bulletin AX264

Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Technical Bulletin AX178
AX178 PDMI User Guidelines (PDF)

Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Working with MDI and Polymeric MDI
AX178 Working With MDI and PDMI (PDF)

Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI)
Guidance Document
Seven Important Points for Spray Foam Contractors
CPI Seven Important Points (PDF)

(B) Component - Resin

Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Technical Bulletin AX228
AX228 Resin Handling (PDF)

Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Technical Bulletin AX173


United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Ventilation Guidance for Spray Polyurethane Foam Application
EPA – Vent Procedure (PDF)

Thermal Degradation / Decomposition

Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI)
Technical Bulletin AX396
Polyurethanes & thermal Degradation
AX396 Polyurethanes Thermal Degradation (PDF)

Fire Safety

Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Technical Bulletin AX230
AX230 Fire Safety Guidelines (PDF)

Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Six Steps for Fire Safety During Construction
AX236 Six Steps For Fire Safety (PDF)


Allliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API)
Technical Bulletin AX151
AX151 PDMI User Guidelines (PDF)


Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI)
Guidance Document
Hazard Communication for Spray Polyurethane Foam
Insulation Applications
CPI Hazard Communication (PDF)

Health And Safety Product Stewardship Programs

American Chemistry Council
Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI)
Health and Safety Product Stewardship Workbook
For High Pressure Application of
Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)
CPI Health Safety Product Stewardship (PDF)